About uyahf
UYAHF ADH Clinic is a community based medical center that serves as a centre of excellence for quality, integrated and comprehensive health care and SGBV services that are adolescent responsive and human rights cantered. 5 full time staff on ground and offering the youth friendly services to the clients including a medical clinical officer, sonographer, lab technician, midwife, administrator.
The facility is committed to its goal of serving health care needs of diverse community groups including most vulnerable, poor and underserved communities of women, girls, youths, children, elderly and young men and boys as well as the middle class and especially the most at risk populations and to support UYAHF to achieve its vision of creating a gender equal world with healthy and empowered young people.
Overall goal of UYAHF Adolescent Health Clinic
UYAHF Adolescent Health Clinic strives to be a leading center for excellence for quality, rights based, integrated and comprehensive community centered health care services, wellbeing and research in Eastern Uganda and Uganda large using a youth friendly service approach.
The clinic’s commitment is hinged on UYAHF’s passion to protect and improve the health, dignity and well-being of all people and especially poor and vulnerable young people, children, women and girls and enhancing their demand, access and uptake of quality health care services and Sexual and Gender Based Violence prevention and response services.
UYAHF Adolescent Health Clinic is also committed to providing quality, integrated and comprehensive curative and preventive health care services that range from; pediatrics, family planning, maternal and child health services, (including; antenatal, perinatal, postnatal and post abortion care services), immunization, cervical and breast cancer screening as well as voluntary HIV testing and counselling, screening and treatment of all STIs.
UYAHF Adolescent Health Clinic also provides In-Patient and Out Patient Department services that facilitates treatment of major common infections and illnesses like; malaria, typhoid, brucellar, UTIs, upper and lower respiratory truck infections, ulcers, abdominal disorders, muscular skeletor disorders/arthritis, basic mental health services among others.