Joyce being the moderator of the day introduced the topic for discussion which was menstruation as well as giving its details where she commended CSO organizations and line ministries for their efforts. The respondents for the day where was Norah and Hanne who shared their views about the various menstrual materials challenges around menstruation, myths and taboos surrounding menstruation. The Podcast was a post-event to the world menstrual hygiene day.
With that background, the moderator asked the respondents about the good material to be used for menstruation, and among the material mentioned were sanitary pads and tampons, menstrual cups, reusable pads among others. They went on and emphasized the need to advocate for the use of reusable sanitary pads which are more sustainable as well as calling upon parents to always be supportive to these girls especially during the menstrual days. The respondents shared some menstrual tips that can be considered by girls during their menstrual days where they emphasized good hygiene and exercise.
The respondents shared the different ways of dealing with the menstrual stigma that is deep-rooted within our communities and called upon everybody to always talk about it as it is a natural and normal process that every woman and girl undergoes through on a monthly basis. They went on and shared the existing taboos about menstruation in communities and how can we deal with them as well as providing advice to the girls who go through a lot of pain such as headache, backache, joint pains, among others.
What a wonderful podcast it was!