On the 16th of April 2021, our change champions organized and carried out a youth hub activity on increased consumption of condoms. The activity aimed at bringing together young people to share ideas on how they can create demand creation, breaking the myths and misconceptions surrounding the access and use of condoms. The activity was attended by 10 participants (3 females and 7 males) and these participants were from within the community, partner organizations, and university students.
Mary Kirunda one of the change champions was the activity facilitator and while giving her opening remarks, she asked the participants to share prevailing issues limiting their condom accessibility and utilization among young people. The participants highlighted several issues among which include; peer influence, myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of condoms, lack of correct information given to the young people, stigmatization from health workers, among others.
The young people shared different suggestions on how to ensure the effective use of condoms by young people, such as involving religious leaders in SRHR talks, normalizing talks around condom use, empowering the young people to freely collect condoms from health centers, and condom dispensers. Joel Sendi, one of the participants emphasized the need for health workers and stakeholders to actively engage parents and teachers in SRHR issues especially the use of contraceptives like condoms for young people, as it will be one way of solving the challenge of stigmatization. He furthermore added the need for ambassadors, especially those infected by HIV AIDS, to talk to the young people about the importance of using condoms.
In her closing remarks, Mary encouraged young people to use condoms since they have double protection by blocking contact with body fluids that cause pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection.