We delighted to have hosted a dynamic team of youth from Reach a Hand Uganda [RAHU] for an educational study visit, whose aim was to appreciate UYAHF’s activities, mainly, -the youth hub.
The visit, which was initiated by RAHU aimed at equipping their peer educators with information on how we -UYAHF- have ably created a resourceful ground for the youth. This visit was held in the our youth hub on 24/01/2019 and it was the first 2019 major activity at the hub. Thanks to our change champions who made this activity a success.
Together, we explored our various youth-driven approaches geared towards achieving sustainable sexual Reproductive Health Rights for the youth, various best practices were shared regarding working with the youth and adolescents to address SRHR issues and concerns.
The team esteemed our approaches and advised us in various ways.
“I found it rather unique that UYAHF, on top of just informing, it also ensures that adolescents are empowered with various skillsets for sustainability purposes, we know that some of the choices adolescents make are influenced by poverty or redundancy. I applaud UYAHF for skilling these vulnerable youngsters” Says Paul Waswa, one of the participants, doubling as team leader.
The study tour was among other objectives intended to; draw reflections on the reality of Ugandan organisations and working with the youth in solving sexuality reproductive health issues affecting them, among which include policies at national level.
The RAHU team commended UYAHF for creating a youth and adolescents-friendly platforms that allows them to amplify their voices.
“There is a perception that the we, -Young people- don’t have much sense to contribute to the public realm, and this so much affects our self-esteem, am glad there is someone here willing to help us express out rights importantly, in the area of reproductive health” Says Daisy Aboth, a peer educator.
Eric, another prospective peer educator said; “the hub provides safe space for young people. There are many engaging activities for the youth and this gives them a chance bond easily, they freely share challenges as UYAHF’s trained counsellors offer solutions”.
The informative engagement was crowned with dance competition, which both teams won.