Local Service Delivery Activities
Catchment Area (Mbale, Budaka and Butebo)


Strengthened quality and sustainability of PNFP HIV service delivery to effectively support the achievement of the Government of Uganda and PEPFAR goals of reaching and maintaining HIV epidemic control by 2020 and ending AIDS by 2030.

It operates in Mbale and Budaka and Butebo districts 


Activities completed

  1. EMTCT peer mothers training which attracted 20 EMTCT peer mothers
  2. VMMC with 90 males 15 years and above
  3. First ANC visit
  4. GBV survivors
  5. CXCA screening
  6. Treatment interrupters
  7. Non suppressing clients 28


  • 90 males of 15 years and above were mobilized for VMMC which happened at Lyama HC III in Budaka district. 
  • CXCA screening of HIV positive women of reproductive age and 131 were successfully screen in Kolonyi HC IV, Joy M HC II in Mbale city, and Namengo HC III in Budaka district.
  • First ANC visit and we have been able to reach out to like 100 pregnant women to the health facility.
  • 150 GBV survivors reached out to and referred to the different health facilities for minimum GBV care package.
  • 60 treatment interrupters have been reached out and they have been returned to care and treatment.
  • 75 oral quick HIV self-test kits have been distributed to KPs and adolescents and 1 turned out with reactive results from Namengo HC III in Budaka district and he was initiated on to care and treatment.
  • 20 non suppressing clients reached out too and they have been bled for viral load.
  • Conducted a KP training and we reach out to 39 KPs that 25 females and 14 males.
  • 2 peer mothers training on EID conducted in Mbale city and Budaka district.
  • 6 EID have been identified and bled for HIV