Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum

Over the last 10 years, UYAHF has grown from a small, briefcase organization to a well structured, national level organization running projects in 30 districts.

Who we are



A dynamic Youth led and Youth Serving Health, Human Rights, and Girl Centred Organization that seeks to advance quality health and wellbeing for young people. Specifically, UYAHF works to address and advance young people’s specific needs as regards their sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), gender equality and health promotion, livelihoods, climate change, and SGBV among others.  


A gender equal world with healthy and empowered adolescents and young people.


To realize a gender-equal world with healthy and empowered adolescents and young people, through amplifying their voices in policy and decision-making and responding to their specific health, human rights, and gender needs


To empower adolescent girls and young women to live quality health with equity, diginity and opportunities to realize their full potential. 

The challenges we seek to address

Teenage pregnancies, SGBV & Harmful practices

Unemployment and lack of employable skills

Limitations in access to quality youth friendly SRHR services

Limited access to correct, appropriate and relevant SRH information

Myths and misconceptions surrounding SRHR services

Stigma, discrimination and barriers that hinder access to SRHR services

Limited spaces for meaningful youth participation

Unsupportive policy and legal environment

Our impact in numbers

Young people reached online across all our digital platforms
Clients received health care services at our Adolescents Health Clinic
Young people accessed correct SRH information and services
Stakeholders reached through community and national engagements
Received support and referrals through our Toll free Suubi Helpline

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