The Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum (UYAHF) held a monthly performance review meeting for the LSDA project with health workers across the four health facilities of the project implementation to check in with health facilities on the monthly targets and develop a work plan for the month of July.
LSDA is a community project overseen by UYAHF and implemented by health workers and VHTs across four health facilities in the districts of Mbale, Butebo, and Budaka, with support from the Uganda Pentecostal Medical Bureau (UPMB) and funding from USAID.
It aims to strengthen the quality and sustainability of Private Not-for-Profit (PNFP) HIV service delivery in communities through health facilities to effectively support the achievement of the Government of Uganda and PEPFAR goals of reaching and maintaining HIV epidemic control by 2020 and ending AIDS by 2030.
The review meetings were held separately at the health facilities, including Kolonyi HCIII and Joy Medical HCII in Mbale, Namengo HCIII in Budaka, and Galimaji HCIII in Butebo.
During the meeting chaired by Kairanya Edith, the LSDA project officer, the health workers reported that all the planned activities including supporting peer mothers to track follow-up and offer community-based early infant diagnosis; distributing HIVST kits to KPS with high HIV risk profiles; conducting community HTS; supporting health facilities to follow up clients with Treatment interruption to return to care and treatment; offering psychosocial support; holding monthly community TB sensitization and VL bleeding with community actors; referrals for TPT initiation and completion; TB prevention Help health workers conduct community TB hot spot screening and contact tracing, and help health facilities clean up community VL bleeding where successfully done.
Over 317 people (163 females and 134 males) were reached during the month of June with the various services.
The health workers also shared strategies on how to improve service delivery for the clients at their different facilities and came up with a clear work plan for their next implementation.